Tuesday, March 10, 2015

17 Hour Work Day

I worked 17 hours straight yesterday. I didn't get home till 5:00am. Needless to say I'm exhausted. How I got home this morning I truly don't know, nor do I remember because I was so tired. I called my boss and told her that I was done for the day. She than told me
"Don't come in, you've worked so hard. Turn off your work phone, I'll take all the call tomorrow"

Actually believing her I turned off my work phone, and I slept in. I'm Not going to lie, It felt so good not having to have my phone go off 30 times this morning. Knowing that my small piece of sanity was to good to be true, I than get a call at 10:00am this morning.

"Why the hell aren't you here! I need you to here right Now! Why don't you have your phone on? My work phone has been ringing off the hook!"

Welcome to my life, I thought.

"You told me I could take the day off since I worked 17 hours yesterday and this morning."

"I never said that!"

"Uhm...Yeah you did."

"Get here as soon as you can, I need you to run the place while I'm out at a meeting."

I latter leaned that when she meant meeting, she meant going shopping at Savors. It's times like these that I keep asking myself. WHY? Why do I put up with this? I deserve so much better.

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